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- As he continued to stare, I wanted to point to my cheek and remind him, But you were the one who wanted this, remember? You磖e the one who asked-and I repeat-Why not fix your face? It磗 hard not to notice Terra Cooper. She磗 tall, blond, and has an enviable body. But with one turn of her cheek, all people notice is her unmistakably 创flawed创 face. Terra secretly plans to leave her stifling small town in the Northwest and escape to an East Coast college, but gets pushed off-course by her controlling father. When an unexpected collision puts Terra directly in Jacob磗 path, the handsome but quirky Goth boy immediately challenges her assumptions about herself and her life, and she is forced in yet another direction. With her carefully laid plans disrupted, will Terra be able to find her true path? Written in lively, artful prose, award-winning author Justina Chen Headley has woven together a powerful novel about a fractured family, falling in love, travel, and the meaning of true beauty. - Little, Brown Books for Young Readers - EAN: 09780316040785 - category_path: eBooks Fremdsprachige eBooks Englische eBooks - person: Justina Chen - erscheinungsdatum: 01.02.2009 - einband: ePUB - eBook - Kategorie: eBook - bei - E-Books - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- The Ethan Sparks Adventure books are fun, engaging books for young readers. They are wild rides to some of the great sites of archaeology, such as the tomb of the first emperor of China and his terra-cotta soldiers. I hope the boys and girls who read them will be inspired to get involved in real-life archaeologymaybe even on my own digs! -- Dr. Gary Stickel 创the real-life Indiana Jones创London Times Excavator at Achilleion (legendary birthplace of Achilles, hero of the Trojan War) Excavator at Machu Picchuthe 创lost city of the Incas创 Co-director of the Search for Odysseus Palace Project Ethan Sparks is faced with the toughest mission of his fourteen-year-old life. His father, Dr. Sparks, a renowned archaeologist, and his loyal team have been kidnapped and face certain death because the ransom demanded for their release will never be met. The British Museum wont give up the Elgin Marbles; not even for the highly-respected archaeologist. This quagmire forces Ethan to assemble all of his spypartners from his previous five missions to assist him. With the addition of his best friend, Drew, Britton, the owner of Yangstrum Adventures, and two FBI AgentsTeam Eclipse is formed with one absolute focused objective: to rescue Dr. Sparks and his team! This vital mission takes the young Ops Agents on a chase through Peru, the rainforest in Machu Picchu, Brazil, Easter Island, and finally the Galapagos Islands. Its nonstop all the waya race against time and the threat of revenge and murder! - IUniverse - EAN: 09781491760079 - category_path: eBooks Fremdsprachige eBooks Englische eBooks Kinder- Jugendb點her - person: Nick Barry - erscheinungsdatum: 13.04.2015 - einband: ePUB - eBook - Kategorie: eBook - bei - E-Books - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- 獳ndarmene da questa luce. Non sentire pi霉 il rintocco delle ore, non sentire pi霉 niente. Nascondermi, sparire. Non essere pi霉 nessuno. E cos矛 poter sopportare tutto. Anche langoscia di fronte alla morte. Dopo decenni di peregrinazioni, uno scrittore tedesco nato in Transilvania, e ora in esilio, ha trovato il suo rifugio tra i boschi della Garfagnana, vicino a Lucca. Ma proprio quando pensava di poter godere dei suoi ultimi anni in serenit脿, la morte della madre apre in lui una voragine incolmabile. Perch茅 esistono assenze, scomparse, vuoti pi霉 presenti del presente. Defunti il cui ricordo impregna e impegna la mente pi霉 di quanto la loro concreta e tangibile vicinanza non avesse mai fatto nei giorni in cui eravamo loro accanto. 脠 per questo che ora lui deve partire. Partire per esaudire le ultime volont脿 della madre. Partire per riempire il vuoto cos矛 opprimente. Si deve imbarcare in un viaggio a ritroso verso la sua patria perduta, la Transilvania, la terra dei suoi antenati, una terra di minoranze etniche, multiculturale, dove convivono tedeschi, ungheresi, rumeni. Un viaggio che per il protagonista diventa anche unindagine di s茅 stesso e delle proprie radici, e che lo spinge ad affrontare il passato. Un passato che porta dentro di s茅 la memoria dolorosa dei lager, della seconda guerra mondiale, del nazismo, ma anche le contraddizioni e le ombre del dopoguerra e del regime comunista. Un romanzo che pu貌 essere considerato la continuazione ideale del Farmacista di Auschwitz, di cui riecheggia le atmosfere e i contenuti, soffermandosi in particolare sulla condizione dei tedeschi dellEst, 玹edeschi abbandonati nel Far East europeo, separati dai confini ma uniti da una grande civilt脿 letteraria e musical-filosofica. Con Luomo senza radici Dieter Schlesak si conferma testimone poetico della crisi morale, culturale e sociale della Mitteleuropa, un mondo variopinto ormai sparito, qui indagato nelle sue pieghe pi霉 sofferenti cos矛 come nei momenti di pura luce. Una scrittura intesa quale unica ed estrema salvezza rispetto alla 玣uria del dileguare che ha travolto unepoca e una comunit脿. - Garzanti - EAN: 09788811132752 - category_path: eBooks Fremdsprachige eBooks Italienische eBooks - person: Dieter Schlesak - erscheinungsdatum: 07.04.2011 - einband: ePUB - eBook - Kategorie: eBook - bei - E-Books - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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Zustand: Neu - - - MP3-Download DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_ALBUM MP3-Alben - - - Yogi and the Yoginis - Verk鋟fer: Amazon Media EU S.脿 r.l. im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - PETTAGZZZZMETALZZZZZZZ01200x01 - Hergestellt aus Metall, mit einem Grafik-Aufdruck in eine dauerhafte Epoxy-eingefasst top-coat Die R點kseite ist gravierbar Edelstahl ca. 3燾m (30爉m) im Durchmesser f黵 gute Sichtbarkeit, aber leicht f黵 Komfort Karabinerverschluss macht es leicht anzubringen und zu entfernen Verkauft einzeln - Misc. PET_SUPPLIES Pet Products - Made On Terra - - Made On Terra - Verk鋟fer: Rodnwerssoo im Marketplace

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- Con l碠perazione Barbarossa (1941) Adolf Hitler d脿 il via all鈥檌nvasione dell碪nione Sovietica da parte dell鈥檈sercito tedesco. Fu la pi霉 grande operazione militare via terra di tutti i tempi, e fu anche uno degli episodi bellici pi霉 sanguinari della seconda guerra mondiale e della storia. Nelle intenzioni del F黨rer doveva assicurare la vittoria totale del Terzo Reich e il suo dominio assoluto sul continente europeo e su quello asiatico; nei fatti si rivel貌 la scelta pi霉 catastrofica del dittatore tedesco. Operation Barbarossa (1941). Adolf Hitler gives way to the invasion of the Soviet Union by the German army. It was the largest military operation by land of all time and was also one of the bloodiest episodes of war in the Second World War and history. The intention of the f黨rer had to ensure total victory of the Third Reich and its absolute domination on the European continent and the Asian; in fact it turned out to be a most catastrophic choice for the German dictator. Please note: This audiobook is in Italian. 1. Italian. Lorenzo Visi. - Piero Di Domenico - EAN: 09788865744185 - Kategorie: Bildung Wissen - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- A little over 100 years ago, East Africa was terra incognita to most whites: a land largely unmapped, sparsely settled by Europeans, and teeming with wildlife. It was the hunter-adventurer磗 paradise, and by the early 20th century, a small, lionhearted clan of explorers and big-game hunters began leading safaris there for money. They became the legendary White Hunters of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, men who led manifold adventurers in pursuit of the world磗 biggest, most dangerous, and most sought-after game. White Hunters is a nostalgic and densely-packed history of these men and their adventures, from the turn of the century until the 1970s when politics, a growing population, civil strife, and concern about species destruction intervened. Brian Herne has written a virtual and anecdotal Who磗 Who of White Hunters, crammed with the details of hundreds of hunts and the dozens of men who led them. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Robert Whitfield. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Brian Herne - EAN: 09781483064536 - safari, africa, big game, hunters - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- Far out on the Eastern Fringe, the realm of Ultramar stands alone. Having weathered the Word Bearers attack on Calth and the subsequent Shadow Crusade against the Five Hundred Worlds, the Ultramarines primarch Roboute Guilliman now draws all loyalist forces to Macragge as he contemplates a new future for mankind. With the arrival of more and more fugitives from the war that has engulfed the rest of the galaxy, all distinction between friend and foe is lost - isolated from Terra by fearsome warp storms, is Guilliman making a bid for power to rival even the renegade Warmaster Horus? 1. Language: English. Narrator: David Timson. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Dan Abnett - EAN: 09780857878755 - Kategorie: English - Science Fiction Fantasy - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- By the mid-17th century, the existence of a land in the south referred to as Terra Australis was generally known and understood by the Europeans, and incrementally, its shores were observed and mapped. Van Diemen鈥檚 Land, an island off the south coast of Australia now called Tasmania, was identified in 1642 by Dutch mariner Abel Tasman, and a few months later, the intrepid Dutchman would add New Zealand to the map of the known world.At the time, the English were the greatest naval power in Europe, but they arrived on the scene rather later. The first to appear was William Dampier, captain of the HMS Roebuck, in 1699, after he had been granted a Royal Commission by King William III to explore the east coast of New Holland. By then, the general global balance of power was shifting, and with the English gaining a solid foothold in India, their supremacy in the Indian Ocean trade zone began. The Dutch, once predominant in the region, began slowly to lose ground, slipping out of contention as a major global trading power. So too were the Portuguese, also once dominant in the region. It was now just the French and the English who were facing one another down in a quest to dominate the world, but their imperial interests were focused mainly in India and the East Indies, as well as the Caribbean and the Americas. By then the world was largely mapped, with just regions such as the Arctic Archipelago and the two poles remaining terra incognita. A few gaps needed to be filled in here and there, but all of the essential details were known. At the same time, a great deal of imperial energy was at play in Europe, particularly in Britain. Britain stood at the cusp of global dominance thanks almost entirely to the Royal Navy, which emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries as an institution significantly more than the sum of its parts. With vast assets available even in peacetime, expeditions of science and explorations were launched in every direction. This was don 1. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Fluxman. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Charles River Editors - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- The seventh installment in the popular Carrera military science-fiction series. Carrera磗 held off his enemies coming by sea from the north, in the process dealing the naval and amphibious forces of the Zhong Empire a stinging defeat. The Zhong won磘 soon forget the blood-stained waters and the heaped-up bodies on the shores of Balboa磗 Isla Real. Now, though, his adopted country of Balboa is under assault from the east, from the south, from the west, from the air, and from space. The Zhong, smarting from the butchery around the island, have bounced back and forced a lodgment east of the capital. Their lodgment is still abuilding, but when it is done, Carrera can expect several hundred thousand brave and determined Zhong to show up on his barely defended flank.The Taurans, remembering their military roots, have assaulted Balboa from the south, taking half the area of and cutting the Transitway that joins Terra Nova磗 Mar Fusioso and her Shimmering Sea. In the process, they磛e cut off and besieged the second city of the country, Cristobal, trapping inside the city Carrera磗 Fourth Corps and overrunning and capturing a large portion of Carrera磗 artillery train. West of Cristobal, the Taurans have created, almost from scratch, a series of small ports and airfields to support their siege. Inside the town, a sense of desperation is growing among the men and women of the Fourth Corps: Has their leader forgotten about or abandoned them? Meanwhile, another Tauran Expeditionary force secures Balboa磗 eastern neighbor, Santa Josefina, as a base against them. In space, the United Earth Peace Fleet, under the command of High Admiral Marguerite Wallenstein, keeps as low a profile as possible, all the time spying and feeding intelligence to both Zhong and Tauran. It磗 beginning to look like the game is up for Balboa and Patricio Carrera. But Carrera磗 been planning this war for 15 years. He certainly hopes his enemies t 1. Language: English. Narrator: James Fouhey. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Tom Kratman - Kategorie: English - Science Fiction Fantasy - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- By the mid-17th century, the existence of a land in the South referred to as Terra Australis was generally known and understood by the Europeans, and incrementally, its shores were observed and mapped. Van Diemen鈥檚 Land, an island off the South Coast of Australia now called Tasmania, was identified in 1642 by Dutch mariner Abel Tasman, and a few months later, the intrepid Dutchman would add New Zealand to the map of the known world.At the time, the English were the greatest naval power in Europe, but they arrived on the scene rather later. The first to appear was William Dampier, captain of the HMS Roebuck, in 1699, after he had been granted a Royal Commission by King William III to explore the East Coast of New Holland. By then, the general global balance of power was shifting, and with the English gaining a solid foothold in India, their supremacy in the Indian Ocean trade zone began. It was now just the French and the English who were facing one another down in a quest to dominate the world, but their imperial interests were focused mainly in India and the East Indies, as well as the Caribbean and the Americas. As a result, the potential of a vast, practically uninhabited great Southern continent did not yet hold much interest.By then the world was largely mapped. At the same time, a great deal of imperial energy was at play in Europe, particularly in Britain. Britain stood at the cusp of global dominance thanks almost entirely to the Royal Navy, which emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries as an institution significantly more than the sum of its parts. With vast assets available even in peacetime, expeditions of science and explorations were launched in every direction. This was done not only to claim ownership of the field of global exploration, but also to undercut the imperial ambitions of others, in particular the French. In 1769, Captain James Cook鈥檚 historic expedition in the region would lead to an English claim on Aust 1. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Fluxman. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Charles River Editors - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- By the mid-17th century, the existence of a land in the South referred to as Terra Australis was generally known and understood by the Europeans, and incrementally, its shores were observed and mapped. Van Diemen鈥檚 Land, an island off the South Coast of Australia now called Tasmania, was identified in 1642 by Dutch mariner Abel Tasman, and a few months later, the intrepid Dutchman would add New Zealand to the map of the known world.At the time, the English were the greatest naval power in Europe, but they arrived on the scene rather later. The first to appear was William Dampier, captain of the HMS Roebuck, in 1699, after he had been granted a Royal Commission by King William III to explore the East Coast of New Holland. By then, the general global balance of power was shifting, and with the English gaining a solid foothold in India, their supremacy in the Indian Ocean trade zone began. It was now just the French and the English who were facing one another down in a quest to dominate the world, but their imperial interests were focused mainly in India and the East Indies, as well as the Caribbean and the Americas. As a result, the potential of a vast, practically uninhabited great Southern continent did not yet hold much interest.By then the world was largely mapped. At the same time, a great deal of imperial energy was at play in Europe, particularly in Britain. Britain stood at the cusp of global dominance thanks almost entirely to the Royal Navy, which emerged in the 17th and 18th centuries as an institution significantly more than the sum of its parts. With vast assets available even in peacetime, expeditions of science and explorations were launched in every direction. This was done not only to claim ownership of the field of global exploration, but also to undercut the imperial ambitions of others, in particular the French. In 1769, Captain James Cook鈥檚 historic expedition in the region would lead to an English claim on Aust 1. Language: English. Narrator: Colin Fluxman. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Charles River Editors - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- On the afternoon of 8 April 1802, in the remote southern ocean, two explorers had a remarkable chance encounter. Englishman Matthew Flinders and Frenchman Nicolas Baudin had been sent by their governments on the same quest: to explore the uncharted coast of the great south land and find out whether the west and east coasts, four thousand kilometres apart, were part of the same island. And so began the race to compile the definitive map of Australia. These men鈥檚 journeys were the culmination of two hundred years of exploration of the region by the Dutch - most famously Abel Tasman - the Portuguese, the Spanish and by Englishmen such as the colourful pirate William Dampier and, of course, James Cook. The three-year voyages of Baudin and Flinders would see them endure terrible hardships in the spirit of discovery. They suffered scurvy and heat exhaustion, and Flinders was shipwrecked and imprisoned - always knowing he was competing with the French to produce the first map of this mysterious continent. Written from diaries and other first-hand accounts, this is the thrilling story of men whose drawings recorded countless previously unknown species and turned mythical creatures into real ones, and whose skill and determination enabled Terra Australis Incognita to become Australia. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Paul English. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - David Hill - EAN: 09781743161012 - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- A land of almost three million square miles has lain since time immemorial on the southern flank of the planet, so isolated that it remained almost entirely outside of European knowledge until 1770. From there, however, the subjugation of Australia would take place rapidly. Within 20 years of the first British settlements being established, the British presence in Terra Australis was secure, and no other major power was likely to mount a challenge. In 1815, Napoleon would be defeated at Waterloo, and soon afterward would be standing on the barren cliffs of Saint Helena, staring across the limitless Atlantic. The French, without a fleet, were out of the picture, the Germans were yet to establish a unified state, let alone an overseas empire of any significance, and the Dutch were no longer counted among the top tier of European powers. In 1769, Captain James Cook鈥檚 historic expedition in the region would lead to an English claim on Australia, but before he reached Australia, he sailed near New Zealand and spent weeks mapping part of New Zealand鈥檚 coast. Thus, he was also one of the first to observe and take note of the indigenous peoples of the two islands. His instructions from the Admiralty were to endeavor at all costs to cultivate friendly relations with tribes and peoples he might encounter and to regard any native people as the natural and legal possessors of any land they were found to occupy. Cook, of course, was not engaged on an expedition of colonization, so when he encountered for the first time a war party of Maori, he certainly had no intention of challenging their overlordship of Aotearoa, although he certainly was interested in discovering more about them. Taking into account similarities of appearance, customs and languages spread across a vast region of scattered islands, it was obvious that the Polynesian race emerged from a single origin, and that origin Cook speculated was somewhere in the Malay Peninsula or the 创East Ind 1. Language: English. Narrator: Dan Gallagher. Audio sample: Digital audiobook in aax. - Charles River Editors - Kategorie: English - History - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- Partire dal fondo per arrivare in cima. New York, inizi del Novecento. Charlie Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel e Frank Costello sono soltanto dei ragazzini: figli degli ultimi, emigranti senza un soldo in tasca, rinchiusi a Ellis Island e poi risputati nel fango del Lower East Side, il quartiere pi霉 miserabile di tutti e cinque i distretti. I ragazzi hanno sete di riscatto, non vogliono assomigliare ai propri genitori che tirano a campare con un salario da fame. Decidono di diventare qualcuno a qualunque costo: onoreranno la Terra delle Opportunit脿 a modo loro.La scalata parte dal basso: gioco d碼zzardo, quello che i poveracci consumano in strada. Meyer si riempie le saccocce imbrogliando ai dadi. Bugsy rapina i polli. Frank sogna di sposare la ragazza dei suoi sogni, ma ha il grilletto facile: per tutti 猫 il Pistolero. Charlie vende 创protezione创, dall碋ast Village fino a Delancey Street la sua parola 猫 legge: se qualche irlandese ti importuna, ragazzino, rivolgiti a Luciano. Per due centesimi a settimana se ne occuper脿 lui, e nessuno ti dar脿 pi霉 fastidio.I quattro danno vita a una joint venture mai vista prima nel mondo da cui provengono: italiani ed ebrei gomito a gomito per gettare le fondamenta di un autentico impero del crimine. Ma 猫 alla proclamazione del Volstead Act, il 17 gennaio 1920, che arriva la rivoluzione: il Proibizionismo cambia ogni cosa, i soldi grossi sono dietro l碼ngolo. Sotto l磂gida dell磂legante farabutto Arnold Rothstein, l磇mprobabile squadra italoebraica trasforma il contrabbando di alcolici in un碼utentica miniera d磑ro.Casse di whisky pregiato passano di mano in acque internazionali, le sirene della guardia costiera ululano. Sparatorie, assalti ai convogli al chiaro di luna, folli corse nella notte a fari spenti. E ancora: il fumo degli speakeasy, la musica indiavolata del Cotton Club, le call girls di Polly Adler, il rombo del primo V8 marchiato Ford, i mitra Thompson che cantano. Gli Anni Ruggent 1. Italian. Davide Marzi. - Simone Sarasso - EAN: 09783960856863 - Saga dei cent碼nni, New York, Proibizionismo, mafia, Marsilio - Kategorie: Historische Romane - bei Audible - H鰎b點her zum Download - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- Zagrebs noirish underbelly comes from a new nation familiar with both war and war crimes. Mr. Sr拧ens handpicked selections are anything but ordinary. New York Journal of Books Eastern European history is filled with noir-ish and harrowing tales, and Zagreb, the capital city of Croatia, certainly has its fill. Layers of trauma from its war years, soccer hooliganism, and a shadowy Balkan underground all contribute to the citys transient and inconstant character. Editor Ivan Sr拧en has curated a diverse, powerful, and dramatic group of stories that offer tremendous insight into the perspectives of contemporary Croatians. Zagreb Noir features translated stories by: Ivan Vidi鋰; Josip Novakovich, Andrea 沤igi鋰-Dolenec; Robert Peri拧i鋰; Mima Simi鋰; Pero Kvesi鋰; Nada Ga拧i鋰; Zoran Pili鋰; Ru啪ica Ga拧perov; Darko Milo拧i鋰; Nora Verde, Ivan Sr拧en; Neven U拧umovi鋰; and Darko Macan. Zagreb, Croatiaits culture and its touchstoneswill be terra incognita for many U.S. readers . . . Notable is Nora Verdes She-Warrior, in which a young womans carefully planned anarchist activities are smacked down by a triple helping of reality. Publishers Weekly The stories shed light on a sickness that stirs within societys boundaries. Readers will easily glean that this sickness is not exclusive to Zagreb. Sr拧en reveals the ugly truth about human nature that burrows under the surface in war-torn countries. The Examiner (San Francisco) - Akashic Books - EAN: 09781617754234 - category_path: eBooks Fremdsprachige eBooks Englische eBooks Sach- Fachthemen Kunst Kultur - person: Akashic Books - erscheinungsdatum: 01.03.2019 - einband: ePUB - short stories#war#crime fiction#anthology#mystery#hardboiled#croatia#zagreb#detective fiction#underworld#fascism#murder mystery#balkans#contemporary fiction#anarchist#multiple authors#urban noir#eastern european fiction#eastern european literature#zo - Kategorie: eBook - bei - E-Books - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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Zustand: Neu - gthytjhv258974547 5032618904703 - 銆怐etail Size銆慞lease chose the perfect size. 銆怭remium-Qualit鋞 t Die Wandteppiche bestehen aus Polyesterfasern, die hautfreundlich und haltbar sind. Es ist maschinenwaschbar und leicht zu reinigen. 銆怗ROSSARTIGES DESIGN apest Tapisserie Wandbehang ist HD-Digital-Laserdruckmodus, lebendiger und klarer Druck, ordentlicher Rand, dauerhafte Langzeit-No-Fade. 銆怣ehrzweckausstattung銆 Bettdecke, Wandteppich, Vorhang, Couchabdeckung, Wandbehang, Tischdecke, M鯾elbezug, Stoff f黵 Kreativit鋞, 黚erw黵fe f黵 Sofas, Festival- / Hochzeitsdekoration, Dekoration f黵 Restaurant / Shop, Dekoration f黵 College / Wohnheim, Festivalfahnen, Picknick / Strandblatt / Decke etc, Perfektes Geschenk f黵 alle Gelegenheiten. 銆怹ufriedenheit rt銆 . Wenn Sie mit unserem Wandteppich nicht zufrieden sind, k鰊nen wir Ihnen eine vollst鋘dige R點kerstattung ausstellen oder einen Ersatz liefern. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. - HOME_FURNITURE_AND_DECOR Furniture - gthytjhv - - gthytjhv - Verk鋟fer: gthytjhv im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - presock-12345 5033571621065 - Besseres Material: Wir verwenden 100% Premium-Polyester, um diesen Duschvorhang herzustellen. Dazu geh鰎en 12 rostfreie Metall鰏en mit verst鋜ktem Kopfst點k und 12 Kunststoffhaken. Premium-Qualit鋞: Misst ungef鋒r 60 x 72 Zoll. Fett gedruckte Grafiken werden mit modernster Digitaldrucktechnologie bedruckt. Hochwertige Duschvorhangschimmel gegen Schimmelbildung machen Ihr Badezimmer noch sch鰊er. Ihre G鋝te werden begeistert sein und Ihre Familie hat eine gl點kliche Duschzeit. UMWELTFREUNDLICH - Nicht wie andere PEVA-Duschvorh鋘ge hat der wasserabweisende Duschvorhang aus Stoff keinen unangenehmen Geruch. Ungiftig. Kein Schaden f黵 Ihre Familie. F黂 麭ERALL GEEIGNET - Dieses Polyester-Duschvorhangfutter ist ideal f黵 alle, die ihrer Dusche etwas Spa und Laune hinzuf黦en m鯿hten. K鰊nte zu Hause, im Hotel, Wohnmobil, Wohnmobil, Wohnheim, Schuldusche, Fitnessstudio und 黚erall sonst, wo Sie einen zuverl鋝sigen Duschvorhang oder Liner ben鰐igen, verwendet werden. QUALIT銽S - Wenn Sie nach Erhalt des Artikels Probleme haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte umgehend. Wir werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden antworten und sicherstellen, dass Ihr Problem gut behandelt wird. - HOME_BED_AND_BATH Home - Presock - - Presock - Verk鋟fer: Presock im Marketplace

Versandkosten kostenlose Lieferung m鰃lich
Verf黦barkeit Gew鰄nlich versandfertig in 24 Stunden

Preis kann jetzt h鰄er sein

Angebote vom 30.5.2019 um 3:01*. Wenn die Angebote 鋖ter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: terra east preisvergleich
Terra east Preisbereiche  €
  • 23
  • 97
  • 119

4-23   23-97   119-119  

terra east Testberichte / Erfahrungsberichte / Produktinformation

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terra east Produktinformationen

Ausgew鋒lte Testberichte / Erfahrungsberichte

Difi Regenanzug Terra East Rain AX - Regenkombi, Textilkombi; Zweiteiler
6 Testberichte - -
Difi Regenjacke Terra East Rain AX
1 Testbericht - -
 mehr Testberichte
* Die Produktangebote auf dieser Seite sind zum Zeitpunkt des Seitenaurufes nicht g黮tig. Haftung f黵 die in den Produktangeboten angegebenen Bezeichnungen, Bilder und Preise ist grunds鋞zlich ausgeschlossen.

Sie erhalten aktuelle Angebote wenn Sie den Preisvergleich Aktualisieren: terra east preisvergleich
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Suchzeit: 03:00 Neu Suchen

Suchtipps Grenzen Sie Ihre Suche ein:
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Wichtige Information zu den Preisangaben: Alle Preise verstehen sich inklusive der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und gegebebenfalls zuzüglich Versandkosten. Zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes ist der aktuell auf der Händlerseite angegebene Preis maßgeblich. Bitte beachten Sie, dass aus technischen Gründen zeitweise Abweichungen, des Preises, der Lieferbarkeit und der Versandkosten entstehen können.
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