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Angebote vom 7.11.2022 um 22:57*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: mood brain effect preisvergleich

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Zustand: Neu - Kindermusik - NetFilmMusic - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Kindermusik - NetFilmMusic - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - Imaginary Waves Project - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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sonstige Bücher Lifestyle - - * Confidence makes your brain work better and boosts your performance* Confidence acts like a mini-antidepressant, lifting your mood* Confidence is contagious* Confidence is anxiety's greatest antidote* Confidence is a set of habits that feel fake at first but become real with practice* Confidence makes boys bullsh*t more than girls* Overconfidence can have disastrous consequences_________'Brilliant ... it will change how you think about confidence.' Johann Hari'Important for everyone but crucial for women.' Mary Robinson'Interesting and important.' Steven Pinker__________Imagine we could discover something that could make us richer, healthier, longer-living, smarter, kinder, happier, more motivated and more innovative. Ridiculous, you might say... What is this elixir?Confidence.If you have it, it can empower you to reach heights you never thought possible. But if you don't, it can have a devastating effect on your future. Confidence lies at the core of what makes things happen.Exploring the science and neuroscience behind confidence that has emerged over the last decade, clinical psychologist and neuroscientist Professor Ian Robertson tells us how confidence plays out in our minds, our brains and indeed our bodies. He explains where it comes from and how it spreads - with extraordinary economic and political consequences. And why it's not necessarily something you are born with, but something that can be learned.__________'Rich stories and change-inspiring examples for every kind of performer.' Pippa Grange'Appealing... ranges from neuroscience to politics.' Nature - - - bei - gefunden von shopping24

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Zustand: Neu - 0,43 € / stück - Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 Präparate - BrainEffect BRAINEFFECT - BE20190 - EAN: 4260697140076 - œ” GUTE LAUNE HAPPINESS FORMEL - Der fruchtig leckere Geschmack und die innovative Formel aus Griffonia 5-HTP, Vitamin B12 und Folsäure machen unser Vitamin Fruchtgummi zur leckeren Nascherei und perfekten Snack für zwischendurch und in jeder Lebenslage. œ” SOMMERLAUNE ZUM SNACKEN - Die fruchtig tropische Lulo und eine zarte Vanille-Note bringen auf Anhieb positive Sommerlaune in deinen Alltag. Gesunde Gummibärchen, kombiniert mit funktionalen Inhaltsstoffen. Dein gute Laune Snack, ohne schlechtes Gewissen. œ” VITAMIN D3 GUMMIES FÜR HAPPY MOOD - Vitamin D gilt als besonders essentiell im Körper. Bereits zwei unserer Happy Vitamin D Gummies füllen deine Speicher des Sonnenvitamins wieder auf, sodass du voller Energie, alle deine Herrausforderungen meistern kannst. œ” LECKERE FRUCHTGUMMIES MIT ZELLSCHUTZFUNKTION - Nur zwei der Vitamin Bärchen Fruchtgummis decken bereits deinen Tagesbedarf an 5 Vitaminen. Zudem schützen die HAPPY GUMMIES deine Zellen mit Zink vor oxidativem Stress. Zellschutz und Nascherei in einem. œ” LECKER, VEGAN & GLUTENFREI - Statt tierischer Gelatine verwenden wir in unseren Happy Fruchtgummies nur Stärke. So eignen sich die Gummies ideal auch für Veganer/innen und sorgen gleichzeitig für gute Laune. Überzeugt euch selbst! - Verkäufer: Whitewall GmbH im Marketplace

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sonstige Bücher Lifestyle - - Intrigued by our storied renewal in the natural world, Florence Williams sets out to uncover the science behind natures positive effects on the brain. From forest trails in Korea to islands in Finland to groves of eucalyptus in California, Williams investigates the science at the confluence of environment, mood, health and creativity. Delving into completely new research, she uncovers the powers of the natural world to improve health, promote reflection and innovation, and ultimately strengthen our relationships. As our modern lives shift dramatically indoors, these ideas - and the answers they yield - are more urgent than ever. - - - bei - gefunden von shopping24

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Leuchtmittel Wohnen Lampen Leuchten - - A drug-free, side effect-free solution to common stress and mood problems-developed by two physicians Millions of Americans suffer from mood problems and stress-related issues like anxiety, depression, insomnia, and PTSD. Far too many of them are taking medications that have troublesome side effects, withdrawal symptoms, and disappointing success rates. In The Healing Power of the Breath, Dr. Richard P. Brown and Dr. Patricia L. Gerbarg provide a different way to treat stress: breathing. Drawn from yoga, Buddhist meditation, the Chinese practice of qigong, and other sources, their science-backed methods activate communication pathways between the mind and body to positively impact the brain and calm the stress response. Their anecdotes and easy-to-follow exercises will show you how to apply breathing techniques to help relieve: · Anxiety and depression · Trauma-related emotions and behaviors · Post-traumatic stress disorder · Insomnia · Addiction-related behaviors Complete with an audio download, this book gives you the coping tools you need to lead a calmer, more stress-free life. NOTE: The audio exercises included with this book can be accessed online at - - - bei - gefunden von shopping24

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Leuchtmittel Wohnen Lampen Leuchten - - * More than 100,000 copies sold of the original edition in North America, and more than 4 million copies have sold world-wide in all languages. * There have been many discoveries about the Gut-Brain since 2013 when Enders first wrote Gut (published in 2015). At the time much of the research was on animals, but since there are more than 20 reliable studies involving humans. * Enders introduces psychobiotics, a term describing describes microbes that have psychological effects-and which may even be useful in treating conditions like depression and stress, and shows how our gut bacteria affect mood, stress levels, and depression. * She also includes basic instructions for producing fermented vegetables - full of good gut bacteria - at home. - - - bei - gefunden von shopping24

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Zustand: Neu - 24.990,00 € / l - Haaröl - Qosneoun - - EAN: 8222085922141 - Golden Lure Pheromone Hair Oil: The Golden Lure Pheromone Hair Oil Formula with the Most Potent Pheromone Formulation That Affects Moods and Improves Your Interpersonal Relationships. Enhance Your Natural Pheromone Production Which Inspires Affection, Elevates Confidence and Romantic Relationships. Long Lasting Effect & Scent: Silky Smooth, Moisturizing Blend to Increase Pheromones Absorption. Enhance Your Own Pheromones with This Fragranced Attractant. Golden Lure Pheromone Hair Oil - Eleases a Subtle Scent Unique to You. When the pheromones scent reaches the nose, it activates the olfactory system. The olfactory system bypasses the rational brain. In ones brains, there is a place as a behavior center. Here, the information from the olfactory system is collected. Pheromone Hair Oil:What is Pheromones? Pheromones are similar to hormones but work outside of the body. They induce activity in other individuals, such as sensual arousal. The activity change during puberty suggests that humans communicate through odors. They are secreted outside the body, and they influence the behavior of another individual. Perfectly Fusion Hair Fragrance: Golden Lure Pheromone Hair Oil Using a Unique Fragrance Formula and Ion Binding Technology, when It Meets the Hair Fragrance or Sweat, It Emits a More Unique Fragrance to Create Your Own Charming and Irresistible Fragrance. He Wants to Smell Your Hair when You Hug Him Can Have Something to Do with Pheromones. Pheromones Are a Huge Factor in Picking a Mate and Those Pheromones Often Are Released Through the Scalp. For External Use Only: Golden Lure Pheromone Hair Oil, 2.7Fl Oz(80ml)/Bottle, when applying, apply golden lure pheromone hair oil to the hair of the body to release enough pheromone to make you extra attractive. enhance your natural pheromone production which inspires affection. may operate as an instant chemistry booster. - Verkäufer: xunyeshangdian im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - 0,42 € / stück - Multivitamin & Mineralien Multivitaminpräparate & Mineralien - BrainEffect Whitewall GmbH - BE20065 - EAN: 4260460480316 - œ”20 HAPPINESS ZUTATEN - Starte mit einem guten Gefühl in jeden Tag. Mood Kapseln liefern dir mit 20 Happiness Zutaten wie Rosenwurz, L-Tryptophan und zahlreichen essentiellen Vitaminen. Zusätzlich sorgt Vitamin B12 für Wohlbefinden in deinem Alltag. œ” PFLANZLICHE KAPSELN VOLLER SONNENSCHEIN - Unsere Stimmungsmacher Kapseln enthalten neben bewährten Pflanzenextrakten aus Rosenwurz, Cordyceps und Grüntee Extrakt auch Vitamin D, das dich selbst an grauen Tagen, glücklich und erholt strahlen lässt. œ” MEHR ALS NUR EIN LAUNEMACHER - Die kleinen Mood Power Kapseln verleihen nicht nur deiner Laune einen ordentlichen Boost, sondern enthalten auch wichtige Zutaten wie Vitamin B12 und Vitamin C, welche der Müdigkeit und Trägheit den Kampf ansagen! œ” INKLUSIVE DIGITALEM WELL-BEING COACH - Lerne mithilfe von Expertentipps, wie du dein Wohlbefinden langfristig verbessern kannst. Einfach QR-Code auf der Verpackung scannen und dein 30-tägiges Coaching Progamm per App starten! Worauf wartest du? œ” ERGIEBIGER 30 TAGE MONATSVORRAT - 90 Kapseln pro Packung, vollgepackt mit Vitaminen & Nährstoffen. Mit nur 3 Kapsel pro Tag, unterstützt du deinen Körper 1 Monate lang mit essenziellen Happy Zutaten. Probier es aus und überzeug dich selbst! - Verkäufer: Whitewall GmbH im Marketplace

Angebote vom 7.11.2022 um 22:57*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: mood brain effect preisvergleich

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