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Books bücher - 9783319443737 - This will be a two-part handbook on Dynamic Game Theory and part of the Springer Reference program.  Part I will be on the fundamentals and theory of dynamic games. It will serve as a quick reference and a source of detailed exposure to topics in dynamic games for a broad community of researchers, educators, practitioners, and students. Each topic will be covered in 2-3 chapters wit - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Books bücher - 9783110515848 - This two-volume set collects and presents some fundamentals of mathematics in an entertaining and performing manner. The present volume examines many of the most important basic results in algebra and number theory, along with their proofs, and also their history. ContentsThe natural, integral and rational numbersDivision and factorization in the integersModular arithmeticExceptional number - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Books bücher - 9783110521450 - This two-volume set collects and presents many fundamentals of mathematics in an enjoyable and elaborating fashion. The idea behind the two books is to provide substantials for assessing more modern developments in mathematics and to present impressions which indicate that mathematics is a fascinating subject with many ties between the diverse mathematical disciplines. The present volume ex - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Books bücher - 9783825252519 - Artificial intelligence will change our lives forever - both at work and in our private lives. But how exactly does machine learning work? Two professors from Lübeck explore this question. In their English textbook they teach the necessary basics for the use of Support Vector Machines, for example, by explaining linear programming, the Lagrange multiplier, kernels and the SMO algorithm. T - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Books bücher - 9783030389857 - This is the first of two volumes that together provide a comprehensive analysis of the embryology, normal anatomy, and pathology of the liver and intrahepatic biliary tract as seen on modern diagnostic imaging techniques. In this volume, readers will find fundamental information on embryology, radiological anatomy, and anatomic variants. A thorough introduction is then provided to each imag - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Zustand: Neu - Arcade-Spiele - 3D Gamecraft - - - Your favorite Goat is back with more explosive fun 2 Maps to Explore - City and Farm Amazing detail Easy to control, easy to play - no complicated rules All in 3D Fun - Verkäufer: Amazon Media EU S.a.r.l. im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - Klassik - I Ching Music ( - - - - Verkäufer: Amazon Digital Germany GmbH im Marketplace

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Dieses Angebot ist ein Beispiel für Angebote, die kürzlich auf dem eBay-Marktplatz in der Kategorie verfügbar waren. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die Suchergebnisse um aktuelle Angebote zu erhalten.

Versandkosten Kostenloser Versand ab 10€
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Books bücher - 9780714872780 - Two authorities on popular culture reveal the ways in which art can enhance mood and enrich lives - now available in paperback This passionate, thought-provoking, often funny, and always-accessible book proposes a new way of looking at art, suggesting that it can be useful, relevant, and therapeutic. Through practical examples, the world-renowned authors argue that certain great works of ar - bei reBuy DE 56041 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Zustand: Neu - Spiele - Roko RoKo - com.Darts_Pro_2015 - - Test your aim, shoot right on target! Now you can play your favorite game with your friends! The new game Darts Pro 2015! you can play darts with a friend. A fun game for two players! Become a rookie, play and learn in a dart hit! Choose one of three difficulty levels in which you will be able to show their skills in rookie darts. With the shaft give character to throw into the goal! Use the tab to select the speed of the throw. Keep your Android device in hand and point arrows at a target dart. From the first minutes of gameplay gambler entice you into active play darts and you can become a pro and fight for the title! The closer your arrow will be the center of the target dart, the more bonuses you get. Please note that you have attempted. Do the right throws, select the desired speed, use the shaft. Game Darts Pro 2015 has already begun! The rules, as in any darts. Whether by good rookie and you're lucky! If you understand the rules of the game Darts Pro 2015, become a rookie! Use the shaft of the game. Try to play darts, you will like throwing darts at a target. Start playing now to become the leader among all the players! Features: - Classic free game; - A game for two players; - Possibility to choose the level of difficulty of the game; - The best option for a memorable game of darts; - Independent determinant of the rate of throwing at a target; - Statistics of points earned; - Free game! - Verkäufer: Amazon Media EU S.a.r.l. im Marketplace

Versandkosten 2,99 EUR
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new - Books Bücher/Medien - Hal Leonard - Das Notenbuch Disney favorites aus der Five Finger Piano Songbook Serie enthält insgesamt 8 Disney Klassiker. Inhalt: · Can You Feel The Love Tonight · Written In The Stars · Two Worlds · My Funny Friend And Me · If I Didnt Have You · Be Our Guest · Kiss The Girl · A Whole New World · Kategorie: Tasteninstrumente · Instrument: Klavier · Genre: Filmmusik · Bindung: Softcover · Format: 21,0 x - bei Musik Produktiv DE 34541 - aus Awin Produktdaten

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Dieses Angebot ist ein Beispiel für Angebote, die kürzlich auf dem eBay-Marktplatz in der Kategorie verfügbar waren. Bitte aktualisieren Sie die Suchergebnisse um aktuelle Angebote zu erhalten.

Angebote vom 7.8.2022 um 19:48*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: fun pro two preisvergleich
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