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Angebote vom 15.3.2017 um 13:05*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: babylon evolution preisvergleich

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Zustand: Neu - - MP3-Download DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_TRACK - - - Young Babylon - Verkäufer: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - - MP3-Download DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_TRACK - - - R-Evolution Productions - Verkäufer: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. im Marketplace

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Zustand: Neu - - MP3-Download DOWNLOADABLE_MUSIC_ALBUM - - - R-Evolution Productions - Verkäufer: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. im Marketplace

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- In Mythen, Märchen und vor allem in Träumen geht es um intensive Bilder und Gefühle, die sich nur schwer in präzise Worte fassen lassen. Sie sprechen eine symbolische Sprache, die sich bei Menschen aller Kulturen finden lässt. Erich Fromm nennt diese Symbolsprache die einzige universale Sprache, die die Menschheit jemals entwickelt hat. Dieses Buch soll dabei helfen, das im Laufe der gesellschaftlichen Evolution verloren gegangene Verständnis für die Sprache der Symbole wiederzuentdecken. Fromm blickt auf die Traum- und Traumdeutungstheorien von Freud und Jung und illustriert die Universalität der Symbolsprache an Beispielen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen: am griechischen ödipusmythos, an den babylonischen und christlichen Schöpfungsgeschichten, am Märchen Das Rotkäppchen, am biblischen Sabbatritual und an Franz Kafkas Roman Der Prozess. Erich Fromm, Psychoanalytiker, Sozialpsychologe und Autor zahlreicher aufsehenerregender Werke, wurde 1900 in Frankfurt am Main geboren. Der promovierte Soziologe und praktizierende Psychoanalytiker widmete sich zeitlebens der Frage, was Menschen ähnlich denken, fühlen und handeln lässt. Er verband soziologisches und psychologisches Denken. Anfang der Dreißiger Jahre war er mit seinen Theorien zum autoritären Charakter der wichtigste Ideengeber der sogenannten Frankfurter Schule um Max Horkheimer. 1934 emigrierte Fromm in die USA. Dort hatte er verschiedene Professuren inne und wurde 1941 mit seinem Buch Die Furcht vor der Freiheit weltbekannt. Von 1950 bis 1973 lebte und lehrte er in Mexiko, von wo aus er nicht nur das Buch Die Kunst des Liebens schrieb, sondern auch das Buch Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft. Immer stärker nahm der humanistische Denker Fromm auf die Politik der Vereinigten Staaten Einfluss und engagierte sich in der Friedensbewegung. Die letzten sieben Jahre seines Lebens verbrachte er in Locarno in der Schweiz. Dort entstand das Buch Haben oder Sein. In ihm resümierte Fromm seine Erkenntnisse über die seelischen Grundlagen einer neuen Gesellschaft. Am 18. März 1980 ist Fromm in Locarno gestorben. - Autor: Erich Fromm, Rainer Funk - ISBN13 Show: 9783959120432 - Lieferzeit: sofort - Verfuegbarkeit: verfuegbar - Verlag: Edition Erich Fromm - Kategorie: Psychologie,Pädagogik Nachschlagewerke,Grundlagen|Sozialpsychologie|Psychoanalyse|Allgemeine Psychologie - bei ciando eBooks - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the 19th century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005752 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: Taschenbuch - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the 19th century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005752 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: Taschenbuch - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the 19th century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005752 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: Taschenbuch - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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19,99 Euro bei - gefunden von

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Verfügbarkeit Versandfertig in 1-2 Werktagen

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Zustand: Neu - - Taschenbuch ABIS_BOOK - - Christopher Partridge - Studies in Popular Music - Verkäufer: Book Depository DE im Marketplace

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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the nineteenth century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. Myth is a story told to bring order and meaning to life, regardless of how fanciful or silly it may seem if taken literally. In reading the myth of Enuma elish, the story sounds quite incomprehensible, but if we utilize our logic, we can read between the lines to detect the real life of that time. So prepare yourself for the world of antiquity in Mesopotamia. For in this book, you will become acquainted with the thinking and reasoning of that ancient time. You will learn about the political, religious, geographical, historical and social conditions, and ways of life that seem most strange to us now. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005998 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the nineteenth century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. Myth is a story told to bring order and meaning to life, regardless of how fanciful or silly it may seem if taken literally. In reading the myth of Enuma elish, the story sounds quite incomprehensible, but if we utilize our logic, we can read between the lines to detect the real life of that time. So prepare yourself for the world of antiquity in Mesopotamia. For in this book, you will become acquainted with the thinking and reasoning of that ancient time. You will learn about the political, religious, geographical, historical and social conditions, and ways of life that seem most strange to us now. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005998 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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2 Wochen - - In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planeton, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bibles Elohimwho said Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place: There were giants upon the Earth who took Adams female offspring as wives, giving birth to heroes of renown. With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim.*Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods?* In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, leading the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the Missing Link in humankinds evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death. - Inner Traditions Bear and Company - EAN: 09781591431213 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Zecharia Sitchin - erscheinungsdatum: 05.05.2010 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 1
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2 Wochen - - In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planeton, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bibles Elohimwho said Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place: There were giants upon the Earth who took Adams female offspring as wives, giving birth to heroes of renown. With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim.*Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods?* In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, leading the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the Missing Link in humankinds evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death. - Inner Traditions Bear and Company - EAN: 09781591431213 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Zecharia Sitchin - erscheinungsdatum: 05.05.2010 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 1
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2 Wochen - - In whose genetic image were we made? From his first book The 12th Planeton, Zecharia Sitchin has asserted that the Bibles Elohimwho said Let us fashion The Adam in our image and after our likeness were the gods of Sumer and Babylon--the Anunnaki who had come to Earth from their planet Nibiru. The Adam, he wrote, was genetically engineered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the Bible, intermarriage took place: There were giants upon the Earth who took Adams female offspring as wives, giving birth to heroes of renown. With meticulous detail, Sitchin shows that these were the demigods of Sumerian and Babylonian lore, such as the famed Mesopotamian king Gilgamesh as well as the hero of the Deluge, the Babylonian Utnapishtim.*Are we then, all of us, descendants of demigods?* In this crowning oeuvre, Zecharia Sitchin proceeds step-by-step through a mass of ancient writings and artifacts, leading the reader to the stunning Royal Tombs of Ur. He reveals a DNA source that could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true, providing conclusive physical evidence for past alien presence on Earth and an unprecedented scientific opportunity to track down the Missing Link in humankinds evolution, unlocking the secrets of longevity and even the ultimate mystery of life and death. - Inner Traditions Bear and Company - EAN: 09781591431213 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Zecharia Sitchin - erscheinungsdatum: 05.05.2010 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 1
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2 Wochen - - Discover the real story of human evolution as told more than 4,000 years ago. The cuneiform clay tablets of Enuma elish were found in the nineteenth century under the ruins of Ninevah and Babylon in the sands of the Middle East. They reveal the first story of human evolution, a story of the evolution of gods, evolution of their genealogy, and the progress of human societies. Myth is a story told to bring order and meaning to life, regardless of how fanciful or silly it may seem if taken literally. In reading the myth of Enuma elish, the story sounds quite incomprehensible, but if we utilize our logic, we can read between the lines to detect the real life of that time. So prepare yourself for the world of antiquity in Mesopotamia. For in this book, you will become acquainted with the thinking and reasoning of that ancient time. You will learn about the political, religious, geographical, historical and social conditions, and ways of life that seem most strange to us now. - Outskirts Pr - EAN: 09781598005998 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Oshana Bebla Beblis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.06.2006 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Sociology#SOCIAL SCIENCE / Folklore Mythology - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.0
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27,99 Euro bei - gefunden von

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