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Angebote vom 15.5.2017 um 23:55*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: agile business analyst preisvergleich

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agile business analyst
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- The book explains how business analysts and information technology professionals can work together to create innovative business solutions using the agile approaches now emerging in practice. It explains the methods used by such cross disciplinary teams to create business value based on the use of information technology. These methods combine concepts now found in agile system development, such as stories, features, roles and business activities, into collaborative processes that lead to innovative solutions to business and social problems. The emphasis of the book is on teams using these concepts to encourage the communication needed to define new ways of working while providing a path to successful implementation. - Autor: Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz - ISBN13 Show: 9781922022578 - Lieferzeit: sofort - Verfuegbarkeit: verfuegbar - Verlag: Vivid Publishing - Kategorie: Wirtschaft Sonstiges - bei ciando eBooks - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten zzgl. 0.00 EUR Versandkosten
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- Using Information Technology to create business value - EAN: 09781922022578 - DeliveryTime: Sofort lieferbar (Download) - BUSINESS ECONOMICS , DEVELOPMENT , BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT , BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT , RECHT , WIRTSCHAFT, WIRTSCHAFT, SONSTIGES , BUSINESS ANALYST , INNOVATIVE BUSINESS , SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT - Kategorie: eBooks Wirtschaft - bei - eBooks - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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Verfügbarkeit Versandfertig in 1-2 Werktagen

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Zustand: Gebraucht - - Taschenbuch ABIS_BOOK - - Ryland Leyton - Leyton Publishing - Verkäufer: T_Behnke im Marketplace

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Verfügbarkeit Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 24 Stunden

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- Taschenbuch ABIS_BOOK - - Ryland Leyton - Leyton Publishing

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 2
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3 Tagen - - The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is a resource for business analysts, those who are practicing business analysis, as well as product owners, business owners and corporations who are working on agile projects. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) and has been developed in collaboration with the Agile Alliance. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide provides business analysts with the tools and techniques they need to be extremely effective in their position on Agile teams. The Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide® provides 7 key guidelines for the practice of business analysis within an agile environment. These guidelines are supported by a Discovery Framework and a Delivery Framework that articulate specific techniques that have proven to be successful for agile teams in delivery value. - International Institute of Business Analysis - EAN: 09781927584002 - person: International Institute of Business Analysis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2013 - einband: Taschenbuch - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 5
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7 Tagen - - The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is a resource for business analysts, those who are practicing business analysis, as well as product owners, business owners and corporations who are working on agile projects. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) and has been developed in collaboration with the Agile Alliance. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide provides business analysts with the tools and techniques they need to be extremely effective in their position on Agile teams. The Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide® provides 7 key guidelines for the practice of business analysis within an agile environment. These guidelines are supported by a Discovery Framework and a Delivery Framework that articulate specific techniques that have proven to be successful for agile teams in delivery value. - International Institute of Business Analysis - EAN: 09781927584002 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: International Institute of Business Analysis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2013 - einband: Taschenbuch - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 5
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7 Tagen - - The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is a resource for business analysts, those who are practicing business analysis, as well as product owners, business owners and corporations who are working on agile projects. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide is aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK®) and has been developed in collaboration with the Agile Alliance. The Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide provides business analysts with the tools and techniques they need to be extremely effective in their position on Agile teams. The Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide® provides 7 key guidelines for the practice of business analysis within an agile environment. These guidelines are supported by a Discovery Framework and a Delivery Framework that articulate specific techniques that have proven to be successful for agile teams in delivery value. - International Institute of Business Analysis - EAN: 09781927584002 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: International Institute of Business Analysis - erscheinungsdatum: 01.07.2013 - einband: Taschenbuch - Buch (fremdspr.) - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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- Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2014 im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note: 5.0, Berner Fachhochschule (Wirtschaft), Veranstaltung: EMBA Leadership Management - Projektmanagement, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Klassisch oder agil - das ist hier die Frage! Laut einschlägiger Studien sind agile Vorgehensweisen bei Software-Entwicklungsprojekten unaufhaltbar auf dem Vormarsch. In der Masterarbeit wird erläutert, was es mit agilen und klassischen Vorgehen auf sich hat und wann das eine dem vorgezogen werden sollte. Zur Klärung der Frage, ob ein Software-Entwicklungsprojekt agil oder klassisch abgewickelt werden sollte, werden die beiden Ansätze erläutert. In der Folge werden zentrale Herausforderungen bei der Durchführung von Softwareprojekten aufgezeigt. Schliesslich wird ein umfassendes Modell vorgestellt, welches bei der Entscheidung für ein agiles oder klassisches Vorgehen unterstützt. Im Rahmen der Arbeit werden eine Umfrage sowie eine Reihe Interviews mit verschiedenen Anspruchsträgern durchgeführt sowie zentrale Fragen zum Verständnis der Vor- und Nachteile klassischer und agiler Vorgehensweisen ermittelt und ausführlich ausgewertet. Zusätzlich werden mehrere gängige Studien zur Agilität analysiert, Schlussfolgerungen gezogen und in die Arbeit eingearbeitet. Aus der Arbeit resultieren wertvolle Erkenntnisse, insbesondere auch im Bereich der kritischen Erfolgsfaktoren beim situativen Einsatz agiler Ansätze - welche Rolle spielt dabei bspw. das Commitment seitens Management und Kunden, wie sieht es mit dem Verständnis bzgl. Agilität aus. Ausserdem wird der Frage nachgegangen, warum es nach einigen Jahren gelebter Agilität immer noch keine allgemein anerkannte Definition für den Begriff Agilität existiert. Angebote und Verträge im agilen Umfeld stellen immer wieder eine Herausforderung dar - in der Arbeit wird ein adäquates Vertragsmodell vorgestellt, welches den agilen Anforderungen gerecht wird. Ausserdem wird eine Gegenüberstellung agiler Ansätze mit dem Rational Unified Process (RUP) angestellt - das Ergebnis ist äusserst interessant. Interessant ist auch die erstaunliche Erkenntnis einer viel beachteten internationalen Studie bzgl. Agilität, wenn die Projekterfolgsquote unter dem Aspekt der Projektgrösse genauer betrachtet wird - das muss man gelesen haben! Abschliessend wird ein Aktionsplan erarbeitet um Agilität in das eigene Unternehmen hineinzutragen. Erhard Marro ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren als Programmierer, Business Analyst, IT-Architekt, Projektmanager und Teamleiter Engineering tätig. In dieser Zeit hat er sich in den verschiedenen Fachgebieten u. a. zum Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker, Solution Designer, PMP, Scrum Master und EMBA Leadership Management weitergebildet. - Autor: Erhard Marro - ISBN13 Show: 9783668104549 - Lieferzeit: sofort - Verfuegbarkeit: verfuegbar - Verlag: GRIN Verlag - Kategorie: Wirtschaft - bei ciando eBooks - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

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Verfügbarkeit Versandfertig in 1-2 Werktagen

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Zustand: Neu - - Taschenbuch ABIS_BOOK - - Jamie Lynn Cooke - Itgp - Verkäufer: ---SuperBookDeals--- im Marketplace

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ab 42,49 Euro bei 2 Händlern auf - gefunden von Idealo

Versandkosten kostenlose Lieferung möglich
Verfügbarkeit Gewöhnlich versandfertig in 24 Stunden

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- Taschenbuch ABIS_BOOK - - Jamie Lynn Cooke - Itgp

Versandkosten keine Angabe
Verfügbarkeit Lieferbar innerhalb von 2-3 Tagen

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- - EAN: 9781849285049 - bei - aus Zanox Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Sofort lieferbar
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- Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642190407 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Hafedh Mili#Jérôme Boyer - erscheinungsdatum: 28.03.2011 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz#Informatik / Wirtschaftsinformatik#Informationssystem#EDV / Theorie / Software-Entw. / Software Engineering#Wirtschaftsinformatik#KI#Künstliche Intelligenz - AI#AI ( Künstliche Intelligenz )#Wirtschaft / Wirtschaf - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Sofort lieferbar
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- Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642190407 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Hafedh Mili#Jérôme Boyer - erscheinungsdatum: 28.03.2011 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz#Informatik / Wirtschaftsinformatik#Informationssystem#EDV / Theorie / Software-Entw. / Software Engineering#Wirtschaftsinformatik#KI#Künstliche Intelligenz - AI#AI ( Künstliche Intelligenz )#Wirtschaft / Wirtschaf - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Sofort lieferbar
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- Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642190407 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Hafedh Mili#Jérôme Boyer - erscheinungsdatum: 28.03.2011 - einband: gebundene Ausgabe - Intelligenz / Künstliche Intelligenz#Informatik / Wirtschaftsinformatik#Informationssystem#EDV / Theorie / Software-Entw. / Software Engineering#Wirtschaftsinformatik#KI#Künstliche Intelligenz - AI#AI ( Künstliche Intelligenz )#Wirtschaft / Wirtschaf - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 5
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7 Tagen - - Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642437014 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Jérôme Boyer#Hafedh Mili - erscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2014 - einband: Taschenbuch - Software Engineering / Softwareentwicklung - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Buch (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Versandfertig in 5
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7 Tagen - - Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642437014 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Jérôme Boyer#Hafedh Mili - erscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2014 - einband: Taschenbuch - Software Engineering / Softwareentwicklung - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Bücher (fremdsprachig) - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Versandkosten 0.00 EUR Sofort lieferbar
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- Business rules are everywhere. Every enterprise process, task, activity, or function is governed by rules. However, some of these rules are implicit and thus poorly enforced, others are written but not enforced, and still others are perhaps poorly written and obscurely enforced. The business rule approach looks for ways to elicit, communicate, and manage business rules in a way that all stakeholders can understand, and to enforce them within the IT infrastructure in a way that supports their traceability and facilitates their maintenance. Boyer and Mili will help you to adopt the business rules approach effectively. While most business rule development methodologies put a heavy emphasis on up-front business modeling and analysis, agile business rule development (ABRD) as introduced in this book is incremental, iterative, and test-driven. Rather than spending weeks discovering and analyzing rules for a complete business function, ABRD puts the emphasis on producing executable, tested rule sets early in the project without jeopardizing the quality, longevity, and maintainability of the end result. The authors presentation covers all four aspects required for a successful application of the business rules approach: (1) foundations, to understand what business rules are (and are not) and what they can do for you; (2) methodology, to understand how to apply the business rules approach; (3) architecture, to understand how rule automation impacts your application; (4) implementation, to actually deliver the technical solution within the context of a particular business rule management system (BRMS). Throughout the book, the authors use an insurance case study that deals with claim processing. Boyer and Mili cater to different audiences: Project managers will find a pragmatic, proven methodology for delivering and maintaining business rule applications. Business analysts and rule authors will benefit from guidelines and best practices for rule discovery and analysis. Application architects and software developers will appreciate an exploration of the design space for business rule applications, proven architectural and design patterns, and coding guidelines for using JRules. - Springer - EAN: 09783642437014 - category_path: Bücher Fremdsprachige Bücher Englische Bücher - person: Jérôme Boyer#Hafedh Mili - erscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2014 - einband: Taschenbuch - Software Engineering / Softwareentwicklung - Kategorie: Buch (fremdspr.) - bei - Fremdsprachen - aus Affilinet Produktdaten

Angebote vom 15.5.2017 um 23:55*. Wenn die Angebote älter als 12 Stunden sind, sollten Sie die Suche aktualisieren: agile business analyst preisvergleich
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